Thursday, April 25, 2024

Flipped Classroom on ROUNDERS (Baseball): Instructions for Students

Hi, guys!

Today, we're going to dive into the world of ROUNDERS (baseball for kids) in a different and exciting way through a Flipped Classroom. In this session, you will lead your own learning by watching a video about the basic rules of baseball and then completing a quiz to assess your understanding. 

Here are the detailed instructions:

Step 1: Preparation

- Make sure you have access to a device with an internet connection, such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

- Find a quiet and distraction-free place to watch the video and complete the quiz.

Step 2: Watching the Video

- Click on the provided link to watch the video about the basic rules of baseball. Take note of any important information that catches your attention while watching the video.

ROUNDERS (Video about baseball)

Step 3: Understanding the Content

- After watching the video, think about what you have learned. Consider how you can apply these rules during a baseball game and how you could explain them to others.

- If you have any questions or something is unclear, write it down to discuss in class later.

Step 4: Quiz

- Next, complete the provided quiz. Make sure to read each question carefully and select the answer you think is correct.

- Don't worry if there are questions that are difficult for you. The goal is to assess your understanding and identify areas that need more clarity.

QUIZ (Clic here to complete it)

Step 5: Reflection

- Once you have finished the quiz, reflect on your experience. Think about what you have learned and how this self-directed learning method has benefited you.

- Write down any comments or suggestions on how we could improve future Flipped Classroom activities.

And that's it! I hope you enjoy this self-directed learning experience about ROUNDERS (baseball). Next day we're going to practise in the playground!!!

See you next time!

Monday, April 1, 2024

Videotutorial "How to enter the blog"

 Hi guys!

I hope this videotutorial will be helpful for all of you! Enjoy it!


Hey there, Awesome Kids! Let's Stay Healthy and Happy Together! 🌟🍏

Hey, super cool kiddos! Today, we're gonna talk about something really important: how to stay super healthy and full of energy! 🏃‍♂️🥦

1. Get Strong and Mighty: When we move and play a lot, our muscles get super strong! 💪 So we can jump higher, run faster, and be the mightiest heroes on the playground!

2. Keep the Bad Germs Away: When we play and eat healthy foods, our body gets really strong! So those sneaky germs won't stand a chance, and we can keep saving the day! 😷💥

3. Fun and Laughter All Day Long: Exercise isn't boring, guys! We can play hopscotch, have sack races, or even tickle battles! 🤣🏃‍♀️ The important thing is to have fun while getting fit!

4. Be Super Smart at School: Did you know when we move a lot, our brain gets super ready to learn? So if we wanna be the smartest in class, let's get moving! 🧠💡

5. Sleep like Champions: When we play a lot during the day, our body needs to rest at night! So if we wanna wake up feeling super, let's get some good sleep! 😴💤

6. Feel Awesome Inside and Out: When we take care of ourselves and move a bunch, we feel really great! It makes us shine like real superheroes and feel super happy inside! ✨😊

7. Let's Start the Healthy Heroes Club!: By learning to eat healthy and move like the big heroes from a young age, we're creating a super powerful team of healthy kids! 💪🥦 So together, let's save the world from junk food and laziness! 🌎🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️

So, my little awesome heroes! Staying active and eating healthy is super important for being the strongest, smartest, and happiest kids ever! 🚀🌟 Let's put on our capes and fly towards a life full of health and fun! I'll always be here to support you on your mission! 🦸‍♂️🥦🦸‍♀️

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Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Importance of Physical Education in the Comprehensive Development of Children

Welcome back to my Physical Education blog! This time, I want to delve into the importance of physical education and the positive values that can be acquired through sports. As a teacher, it is crucial to highlight how sports not only contribute to physical development but also to the personal and social growth of students.

Below, I will present three educational digital resources that support this idea and can be useful for both teachers and students:

1. "Educational Video: Let's Play and Learn with the Values of Sports!" Authorship: Educación física 360. Web Link: Teamwork in PE Usage License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Comment: This is a list of games that can be used to work on the sense of team and collective effort in Primary education. This educational video combines engaging visuals and lively music to teach children about the values promoted through sports, such as teamwork, perseverance, and fair play. With a suitable duration for young attention spans, this resource is an excellent tool to introduce important concepts in an entertaining way. --- 2. "Educational Story: Values in PE and in Sports!" Authorship: Fundadeps Web Link: Story about values in PE Usage License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Comment: This educational video combines engaging visuals and lively music to teach children about the values promoted through sports, such as teamwork, perseverance, and fair play. With a suitable duration for young attention spans, this resource is an excellent tool to introduce important concepts in an entertaining way. --- 3. "Values in PE"** Authorship: Juntas Es Mejor SC Web Link: Picture about values

Usage License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Comment: This picture sums up all the most important values we should have to improve in PE. As PE teacher I have to insist on them every single day of PE --- I hope these resources are helpful in understanding the importance of physical education and the positive values it promotes in our 7 and 8-year-old children. Let's continue fostering an environment of active and healthy learning for everyone! Until the next entry!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Reglas de la netiqueta

En este blog respetamos las reglas de la Netiqueta.

La palabra netiqueta se utiliza para referirse al conjunto de normas de comportamiento general en internet

Kid's activity piramid

Kid's activity piramid